Baby/Life Update

We went to a doctors appointment on Wednesday, everything is going good. 🙂

While at the doctors they tried to get the baby’s heartbeat but she kept hiding. 🙂 when they did find her she kept kickin the microphone… 🙂 i guess she doesnt want anyone to invade in on her sleep. 🙂

2 more weeks till we find out if its a boy or a girl and we are pretty excited.

I can feel the baby’s heart and see it too! when i lay down and suck in my belly…..she probably doesnt like that i squish her but its still fun to see 😀

As life goes we are doin pretty well, my birthday passed on the 28th. Being 19 is kinda odd. BUT I got a nice new camera for my birthday and our photography business can get on its way.

Life isnt really that big and exciting…we are mostly centered on working and spending time enjoying each others company 🙂

Skyler is being such a great husband. 🙂 he takes care of me and buys me my cravings as they come. he even got up at 6 AM and made me a sandwhich. how cute is that?! 🙂 i love him so much and appreciate all he does for me and our growing little family.

Until next time mis amigos.

//Cynthia Lewis & Jack Lewis