Oh How Amazing..

20 (almost 21 weeks) weeks so far and we are half way there.

Baby kicks alot and reminds us that she is there 🙂

My thoughts on pregnancy thus far…

Its hard sometimes but I absolutely LOVE it.

Im so glad I have the opportunity to carry something so precious.

I thank God that he has trusted me with such a huge responsibility.

Feeling her kick is indescribable.

Its so amazing that me and Skyler would have such a love for each other that, that love would create another life.

Its so amazing to me that even with all my changes in my body, my appetite, and sometimes my mood; that he would still love me unconditionally.

As for being scared that I’m about to be a parent and my life will forever be altered, I have this to say….

We are setting ourselves up for the biggest joy and the biggest heart ache of our lives…

Sometimes thinking about it, it is kind of scary but when Skyler looks at me and holds me..I know it will all be okay. I have nothing to fear.


//Cynthia Lewis
